We understand you might have some questions about LOOP so we've put together this FAQs page specifically for Airports. Just tap a question to get more information.

What is LOOP?

LOOP is a distribution platform which connects airports to aircraft reference data from 1000’s of airlines and aircraft operators for billing and planning purposes. Detailed airframe specific data and documentation is provided and regularly maintained directly by the operators themselves, who are in control over who is able to access their data, via our unique permissions lead system. Where data is supplied directly by the operator, RDC’s team of researchers then cross examine the noise certificates to check for accuracy and supplement the data view page with other researched data, to give airports access to more than 80 data points, whether that’s seat configurations, engine emissions, dimensions, or anything in between.

LOOP increases security, efficiency, and productivity, by enabling airports to get the most up to date information, whenever they need it. At the same time, it gives operators the ability to distribute their fleet data via one direct channel, to all airports in their network.

Where is the data stored and is it secure?

Hosted on Microsoft Azure cloud infrastructure, LOOP has been developed using the latest security standards and built to accommodate the changing needs of users, data control and security as the platform grows. Access is granted by secure login which is underpinned by the industry-leading OAuth 2.0 - an open standard authorization protocol.

All airlines providing data to LOOP are in control of which airports are able to see their data, giving them a far greater level of control than sending by email. Emailing data risks messages being forwarded on to unauthorized users, getting caught in spam filters or sending compromised files whereas using LOOP ensures that airports can confidently download data for use in their finance and AODB systems without risk of importing viruses or corrupt spreadsheets. It removes the need to re-format data sent by airlines and provides the most secure way of exchanging valuable data.

Our regulations dictate that the airline(s) must notify us directly of changes to fleet, so why do I need LOOP?

When airlines add a new aircraft or make a change to data and/or documentation in LOOP you will be immediately notified of the change via an automated email. This is more efficient than waiting for airlines to send individual emails to all airports on their network, and this constitutes a direct notification by the airline. LOOP can notify multiple user accounts at the same airport with an update email meaning that all colleagues who need to be notified of changes receive notifications. This is more reliable and consistent than the manual equivalent process.

As a recipient of data through LOOP, airports are able to configure airline data to their own requirements without requiring airlines to fill out specific declaration forms, which take substantial amounts of time each year. Airlines are able to provide one file to LOOP that can satisfy the required format for every airport on their network, making this a highly efficient process.

How can we be sure of the quality of data in LOOP?

Operator managed data in LOOP is provided directly by the airlines so it is the most accurate source of data available and is at least as good as what you are already receiving. Because LOOP is the single-source of data for many airlines, it is the first data to be updated when changes occur. LOOP contains data quality checks to ensure obvious errors do not occur, and RDC analysts verify data against known parameters in order to eliminate errors in airline's submissions, which makes the data in LOOP more accurate that data you can source directly.

In a survey to all LOOP users in 2023, over 90% of users who took part confirmed that they had noticed an increase in invoice accuracy since using LOOP to source their data.

What are the other benefits of using LOOP?

LOOP provides a consistent set of data specifically collated for airport financial and planning uses, provided by airlines and aircraft operators. It works for everybody by reducing the time and effort needed to research, maintain or distribute data. It integrates with existing systems and enables a high level of customisation so that airports get the data they need, ready for use across their entire business.

The LOOP community is growing rapidly as major players realise the significant benefits of a single distribution platform to send or receive mission critical data in a secure and efficient way. Over 140 airlines, including many of Europe's leading LCCs and full service carriers, already use LOOP to provide fleet data updates to their airport partners.

The functionality of LOOP has already expanded to accommodate ideas and needs of the community. By joining LOOP you will be helping your airline partners to streamline their data management process while enjoying the benefits of a technology-led solution for your airport.

What is the cost of using LOOP?

LOOP has different subscription plans to suit your needs and your budget. Whether you are a low volume/smaller airport who would benefit from accessing the LOOP App, or a major international airport looking for an API solution directly into your AODB, we have something perfect for you.

For more information see more at our subscriptions page, or for a more personal and bespoke experience, contact us to arrange a meeting

Still got questions? We're friendly and we are here to help. Contact us and we'll do our best to assist. We look forward to hearing from you!

Enhance your business with accurate aircraft data