We understand you might have some questions about LOOP so we've put together this FAQs page specifically for Airlines. Just tap a question to get more information.

What is LOOP?

LOOP is a permission-led distribution platform for aircraft operators to securely share airframe reference data with airports, ANSPs, handling agents and regulators for financial and planning uses. LOOP increases productivity by providing a centralised single location for data distribution and reduces errors by ensuring airports are using accurate airline-supplied data to create invoices for landing, parking and other aircraft-related charges.

Almost all airports charge their airline partners based on airframe-specific variables such as take-off or landing weight, engine noise and emissions. They either mandate airlines to provide this data or research it independently. There is no common format for data submission to airports and requests are made to airlines at irregular intervals throughout the year, leading to significant inefficiencies for airlines dealing with ad-hoc requests and different data formats.

Some airports are using out of-date or public domain sources for collecting aircraft weights to issue invoices, or will simply bill on maximum weight if they don't have specific data available which leads to incorrect invoicing and billing disputes - if the airline picks up on the errors.

LOOP provides a single point of control for your data while enabling airports and other partners - with your permission - to access and re-configure the information they need, providing much needed commonality, consistency and efficiency across the industry.

Where is the data stored and is it secure?

Hosted on Microsoft Azure cloud infrastructure, LOOP has been developed using the latest security standards and built to accommodate the changing needs of users, data control and security as the platform grows. Access is granted by secure login which is underpinned by the industry-leading OAuth 2.0 - an open standard authorization protocol.

All airlines providing data to LOOP are in control of which airports are able to see their data. It gives you a far greater level of control over who sees your fleet data than sending by email.

Emailing your data risks messages being forwarded on to unauthorised users, getting caught in spam filters or sending compromised files whereas using LOOP ensures that airports can confidently download data for use in their finance, AODB and compliance systems without risk of importing viruses or corrupt spreadsheets.

Can other airlines view our fleet data?

No, other airlines are not able to view your data. You are in full control of which airports, ANSPs, handling agents etc are able to see your data and can retract that permission at any time.

Why should we switch to LOOP?

LOOP provides a consistent set of data, provided by airlines and aircraft operators. It works for everybody by reducing the time and effort needed to research, maintain or distribute data. It integrates with existing systems and enables a high level of customisation so that airports get the data they need, ready for use across their entire business.

The LOOP community is growing rapidly as major players realise the significant benefits of a single distribution platform to send or receive mission critical data in a secure and efficient way. Over 140 airlines and 350 airports, ANSPs, handling agents and regulators have access to LOOP.

The functionality of LOOP has already expanded to accommodate the ideas and needs of the community. By joining LOOP you will be helping the entire industry to streamline the data management process while enjoying the benefits of a technology-led solution for your airline.

What is the cost of using LOOP?

The core LOOP service is free for airlines. Future updates may include optional, paid-for functionality which will be developed in line with RDC's customer-led, continuous development ethos.

Still got questions? We're friendly and we are here to help. Contact us and we'll do our best to assist. We look forward to hearing from you!

Enhance your business with accurate aircraft data